New Day in Government - Time to Go Green

Posted on 2/6/2009 1:32 AM

It is a new day in government. We have new leadership in the Texas House and in the White House. And, our new leaders are setting a new agenda that will help us be better stewards of the environment and your tax dollars.

We have a lot of work to do in Texas. Our state produces more global warming greenhouse gases than any other state. Emissions from coal-fired power plants cause over 1,000 deaths and 34,000 asthma attacks per year.
Through, greater regulation of industry, creative policies that help consumers conserve and leading by example in government, we can tackle these serious environmental challenges.
Tomorrow, I will announce new legislation so that our government leads by example.
I’ve authored new legislation to require state agencies to choose hybrid vehicles for no less than half of all new vehicle purchases.
And, I am filing legislation to encourage Texas schools to build high performing, energy efficient school buildings. This measure will work in partnership with public schools by providing extra funding to meet higher energy efficiency criteria.
Such investments, and they are investments, will ultimately yield cost savings to our taxpayers, while helping to improve our quality of life.
I’m teaming up with the students of Harris Middle School’s “Green Patrol” to make this announcement. While I’m working to change policy in Austin, they are working hard every day in San Antonio to protect the air we breathe by encouraging parents to turn off their cars when they come to pick up their children from school.


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